為了令孩子過得充實,不少家長都會為孩子安排日日新鮮的活動,但是由星期一到星期日,密密麻麻的活動,是否真的對小朋友有益?美國兒童及青少年精神病學醫生Alvin Rosenfeld, M.D. 表示安排有益活動固然好,但前提是要預留空白的時間給孩子。其實,從心理學的角度看,讓孩子百無聊賴,容讓他沉悶,不單不會浪費光陰,還可以令他們更有創意,為何如此?
- Giang, V. (2015, February 08). The Science Behind How Boredom Benefits Creative Thought.
- Giurleo, S. (2017, June 8). Why You Must Let Your Child Get Bored this Summer.
- Hill, D. (2016, November 16). Children Develop Better When You Let Them Be Bored, Psychologists Say.
- Robson, D. (2014, December 22). Future – Psychology: Why boredom is bad… and good for you.
- Teresa Belton Visiting Fellow at the School of Education & Lifelong Learning, University of East Anglia. (2017, July 25). How kids can benefit from boredom.